Amelia’s Flight

ameliaAbove is a different world from any encountered elsewhere. Earhart

Experience the world and adventures of Amelia Earhart through images, words, and sounds at the Amelia’s Flight exhibition at the Top of the Rock Observation Deck, while you enjoy the breathtaking aerial view of Manhattan 850 feet (260 m) above street level.

An aerial installation of Earhart’s plane, Electra, created from images of her life, focuses on her final flight around the equator. Geography, culture and her daring adventure brings the world before your eyes.

Amelia Earhart’s image reflects our dream of flight encompassing romance and beauty. A dashing woman, an open cockpit, a warrior’s helmet, pearls, vivid newsreels in darkened theaters, surrounded by symbols of power, sleek cars and airplanes, an image defining strength and independence. An image that shattered concepts of the 1930’s world as the first flight changed our ideas of space and time.

We remember the pilot, but underneath this image was a scientific mind who loved mechanics and experimentation; whose compassion manifested as a social worker at Denison House, a nurse in World War I, a mentor for girls at Purdue University and the world in her lectures and writings for Cosmopolitan Magazine; and whose joy was an inspiration that people should follow their hearts. Amelia Earhart felt individual accomplishments would open doors for everyone, and Earhart’s images spark a direct experience of her story.